
The Perfect Chair

This weekend was another great craigslist adventure for Tim and me. I found this rocking chair on craigslist some time last week, and we got to pick it up Saturday. Only $35!!

The other bonus was the lady selling it was incredibly sweet and a huge craigslist fan. If you’ve bought and sold a bunch like I have, it’s always a treat to meet someone who enjoys great finds as much as passing treasures along to other people who will love them.

So, a few details about this rocker - It’s solid wood and wicker, which I wasn’t ever in to before but I love now. The texture is a great addition to our room. It’s painted white, as you can see in the picture, but the paint is old and chipping. It blends right in to the antique pieces we already have, but it’s also really low profile, so its proportions are great with the mid-century seating in the room.

Basically, it’s pretty much perfect and I love it :)