This past new year's day my resolution was to learn how to have a smaller impact on the environment. Since then, I've figured some stuff out that involves adjusting the items I buy and a worm farm (oh yes, a worm farm), so today I decided to get off my virtual butt and post about one area of progress - recycling.
Tim and I are adjusting our habits by recycling and trying to buy products packaged in recyclable materials. We sort of knew what we could recycle, but couldn't always keep track... The city I live in has a helpful chart, but it's not very attractive. Since all of my experience tells me it's way easier to use/love/engage with something beautiful in my home, I decided to make my own chart!

I made in in photoshop using a bamboo wacom tablet and Bebas font. Now it hangs right above our trashcan using the same method of hanging as our shark print. Love.
This little poster lists all of the things you can recycle and what you need to throw away. It especially helps Tim and I remember which numbered plastics we can recycle. It doesn't include a list of what can be composted (or worm composted), but you can bet your bet your reusable water bottle that I'll be bringing one of those to insideways soon :)
WARNING: your city might have different recycling regulations, so check before you follow this list.

Our handy dandy trashcan has two bins inside, one for trash and one for recycling. The recycling bin is smaller than the trash one, but I'm hoping we can switch their uses in the near future. Did you know that San Francisco recycles/composts 80% of its waste and Sweden is so waste efficient that they're buying other countrys' garbage?

So let's get down to business, do you want one? Click the link below (or right click and save it) to download a poster for yourself:
Sources: Watercolor Textures from Evil Widgets | Fonts hand-drawn on a Wacom Bamboo Tablet or Bebas Font by Flat-It | Designed in Photoshop CS5