
Sharing the Love

Is anyone else reading this regularly blown away by all of the awesome blogging and crafty people out there? I know I am. Most definitely. 

Well, I thought I would introduce you to two wonderful ladies who sent me links to projects they did influenced by insideways (what an honor right??)

As part of a totally adorable playroom makeover, Katie used the homemade carbon paper technique I shared in my Scrabble Art DIY to trace this great quote on the wall. Check out this post for more pictures and this post for the full reveal

Before                                                   After

This is just a little peek at Erika's first post ever on her blog Collections of Her! Hooray Erika! Great name right? She sent me the sweetest note ever... "Just wanted to share with you what your blog has inspired me to do. I pulled out my blog that I was going to start up last summer and finally posted on it... You've really shown me how to use things in unique ways and the second photo there looks better than the rest because I used your photography advice. Thank you!" No, thank YOU Erika for making my day with that email. Hop on by her blog to see how she reorganized her kitchen counter. 

These ladies are probably the sweetest people in the entire world, why not stop by and leave them a comment to let them know how great they are :)

If you make or have made an insideways inspired project, be sure to shoot me an email. I'd love to hear all about it!