I've been on the hunt for doilys for a while. Unfortunately I'm very very picky about how they look - not too white, not too dense, not too thick - so I don't see many I like. I was so so happy to find this 10 inch(!) doily for only $0.25!!

I'm also constantly on the hunt for little trays. They're so convenient for your bedside, bathroom, or little surfaces that aren't used often. But again, I'm super picky about how they look - not too modern, not too big, preferably wood, semi-neutral colors. Well this tray? I'm in love with this tray.

Only $10! Look at the carving details!
I also picked up a 8x10 oval picture frame for $2. Oval frames are usually pretty hard to find or expensive, so I snatched this one up as soon as I saw it. I pretty much hate the finish of it right now, but with a little paint it's going to be a beauty.
Have you found anything thrifty lately? Please share - I'd love to see your treasures!