Last weekend I was lucky enough to hit a perfect storm of being happy with my hallway decorations and having the equipment to photogram them - woo! Time to share!
Here you can see the layout of my hallway. I've set up two little vignette areas to cover the length of the hallway and because there are two longe stretches of wall space.
If you remember my little art gallery from this post, you'll notice it's growing! It's so easy to add extra art to an organic/random gallery layout.
Adding a bench to the hallway is always a really great solution. They're nice and narrow, but also super functional for shoe storage. We hung Tim's sailboat painting from his Grandfather to cover up this super ugly electrical box.
So here are the photo taking details for those of you who are interested:
1. Tripod: There is no natural light in this hallway. None. Which means it's pretty dim. Instead of raising the ISO to get the right exposure and risking a lot of noise on my photo, I put my camera on a tripod and slowed the shutter speed waaaaay down. The resulting image was nice and bright!
2. Photoshop: (You could use any number of different photo editing softwares for this, but I used Photoshop.) The lack of natural light in this hallway makes taking a nice clean picture difficult because artificial lights look really yellow or green to cameras. Using my photo editing software, I was able to adjust the white balance and brightness of these photos to make them look like they do to the natural eye (our brain fixes these things for us because it's awesome like that.)
So there you have it - a tricky little space shared! Whew, that's been on my list forever. Feels good to have it out there :)
Where is the tricky space in your house?