~~~~~ Some DIY ~~~~~
This year I seriously upped my number of homemade goodies, a fact that I'm surprised and totally thrilled about. (You can see all of the things I've made here.) My wedding brought with it a lot of crafty goodness, but I'm also generally seeing more opportunities to do things myself everyday. That definitely makes me very happy :)
~~~~~ Fave Finds ~~~~~
Craigslist, you are my spirit animal. Actually no, gross... that would make my spirit animal kind of messy and poorly designed... either way I like it a lot. I sincerely hope finding treasures in thrift stores, yard sales, and on craigslist will never get old.
~~~~~ Helpful Hints ~~~~~
One of the best parts of living a crafty lifestyle is always learning new things. Of course I can never wait to share those knowledge nuggets with you!
~~~~~ Reveals ~~~~~
A hat tip to the voyeurist in all of us, I love sharing my homestyle progress via reveals. Even the not-totally finished (or not nearly finished) ones :)
So there you have it, some of my favorite posts of 2012. If you're hungry for more, feel free to peruse my archives or the category links of to the right there in my sidebar. Never want to miss another post ever again? First of all, I love you. Secondly, add insideways to your reader or have each post emailed to you. Easy Peasy.
To all of you who read insideways, thanks for a really incredible year. Seriously. You're the best.