Learning by the book... check
Learning by trying... check
Learning by... OBSERVING!
I would bet we all do it almost every day - surfing our favorite blogs and browsing Pinterest - but maybe not with an eye for learning about taking great photos. I would really encourage you to skim through your blogs or your Pinterest boards today and pick out a few photos. Ask yourself "why do I like this?"....
(from desire to inspire)
I really like how this angle shows off the chairs and manages to minimize the much less cute refrigerator in the background. That would be a great strategy for me to try when I take photos of my kitchen.
(from Design Sponge) (from Gen Proebstel)
These two pictures give you a hint of the space instead of showing you everything at once. It makes me want to see more and probably helps hide any problem spots in the room.
(from Bloesem)
So, those were just a few photos from my I-have-way-too-many (you can never have too many) Pinterest photo
Another place I'll stop by is Emily Henderson's portfolio. She was a stylist before she became an HGTV design star, so her portfolio is full of GREAT styling inspiration. Here are some of my favorites.