
Architectural Salvage of San Diego

A few weekends ago Tim and I had a chance to explore a store we've been itching to visit: Architectural Salvage of San Diego.

It. Was. Amazing.

Yes, that's a giant boxing glove out front!

Before we get into the goods I just have to give these guys major kudos for a beautiful shop. They've curated their shop so that it's very easy to find things and inspiring just to be there! It's two stories (more like one and a half), and their staircase is so amazing!

I especially love the chalk board inserts in the railing :)

On to the goods! If you're into vintage or antiques you might not be able to handle yourself... so much patina... so much great hardware... your creativity switch will be turned on!

I could have looked through their hardware for HOURS. I especially wanted some vintage light switch covers, I'm just not sure how I'll work them into my white box without them looking random yet...

These chocolate bunny casts would make great wall art! Put them in a little frame without glass... Plus I love the idea of having pretty things that have a little history and function to them.

I recently bought an old window encasement for wall art, but this treasure trove almost made me grab a few more!

You know I'm a sucker for card catalogue drawers. How about multi-colored? With their age showing? And wait... what's inside?!

I'll take the whole thing please.

If I you have a house and a renovation budget you should get your butt over here. Look at the mantle! Stained glass! Vintage sinks!

Tim and I will be going back soon to grab some clock faces for DIY refrigerator magnets.

And finally, my all time favorite that I don't think I can live without, but can't figure out a use for yet...

Yes, peacock door handles. I need them. I think about them frequently. There are five there, so I can share one or two with you folk I guess...

Basically, this is a get there now if you can kind of place. I know there were a ton of pictures in this place, but that's because Architectural Salvage has SO MUCH. I was in a constant state of "ohmygoshTimlookatthis!" It's total vintage eye candy and the prices are very very fair.


2401 Kettner Blvd
San Diego CA 92101



  1. I can't find this stuff in New Jersey! So jealous.

  2. Oh to be in San Diego! You've sent me scrambling to Google to find similar stores in Rhode Island. I doubt I'll find those fabulous peacocks, though.

  3. I also need the peacock door handles! Do you think I could use them to hang stuff on...coats?

  4. Ooooh, I totally might have to buy two for hooks now!!!
